I'm David Rampton, and this is my Blog.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Real simple, educate yo-self

I can think of no greater cause to involve myself in then that of protecting the family by helping to preserve traditional marriage. The above video contains comments from a number of friends of mine. I think it's important that the world knows there is a large portion of Millenials who take a more conservative approach to this issue.

About 8 years ago, Californians voted on Proposition 22, the outcome of which defined marriage in the state of California as being between a man and a woman only. Last May, 8 years after the voice of Californians had been heard, the State Supreme Court decided to overturn the proposition, essentially silencing our voice.

As an American, this is my chance to make sure that I excersice my right to have my voice heard. As Americans, we have the obligation to prove that 4 judges cannot simply silence the voice of a majority vote.