About 3 years ago I wandered out of my apartment bedroom in Provo Utah into my living room to find my roomates watching the second episode of a telivision show called 24. I was all ready for bed, dressed up in my pj's, but somthing about Jack Bauer locked me in like a junkies first shot. It was season 2. I'd never seen season 1. I didn't need to. I was hooked. From that moment on, I spent a better portion of every day watching episode after episode. It was the first for me, the first tv show that I got addicted to. I swore that when that season was over, I would never watch another episode of 24 again, and to this day I never have. But it didn't end there.
The Hadron Particle Colider started firing this week. This particle accelorator is the largest of its kind and is being called the most expensive experimentation ever. By smashing particle together at these amazing speeds, scientists hope to break them apart in search of the heart of all matter, the God Particle. If you don't know about that, get on it. Time to brush up on your quantum physics, string theory, theory for everything and knowledge of basic elementry particles. One of my favorite websites to learn about this stuff and anything is http://www.howstuffworks.com/.
A year and a half later I got ahold of the Prisonbreak season 1 DVDs. Watched them insatiably. Then came season 2 and 3, and I watched them all. Whenever I get started on a cliff hanger tv series like that, I just can't stop. So, recently, I got hooked on Heroes. My roomate brought home the DVDs for seasons 1 and 2 and I finished them both in about 2.5 weeks. Several years ago, I may have been ashamed to admit that I watched these shows with such obsession. Now, however, I am open about my addiction and allow my inner nerd to shine forth on occassion.

But seriously though. This show is sick. Hiro Nakamura has got to be one of the top 10 tv characters of all time (p.s. I'm pretty sure he might be Peter Patrelli's half brother!!!!). My obsession takes me beyond what NBC broadcasts over the television network. I get into the back story or, the mythology if you will. The Heroes website provides a series of graphic novels and webisodes that accompany the basic storyline and dive deeper into the Universe of Heroes (For example, a personal inner quest by the Haitian to be reconciled with his Father and ancient religious traditions). Further insight into subplots and secondary characters can be found on the deleted scenes on the DVD sets (i.e. A demonstration of Hiro's father's - Kaito - power!!!).

Not going to lie... it does sound like your inner geek has surfaced! But, it appears to be a good thing! I mean we all have out vices right? Geeky or not! ;)
Danny Wilson and I were totally in movie with that small Asian guy. White on Rice. Filmed at Velour.
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