The show started at 8:00 with about 4 openers. At 6:30 I still had no one to go to the show with me. I've learned the hard way that underground (real) hip hop is an acquired taste (i.e. most of my friends don't like it and wouldn't have any fun at the show). At 7:00 pm, the night of the show, I remembered my friend Ben down in Huntington Beach was down with good Bay Area hip hop. I called him up, he pulled some strings, got off work early, picked me up and we went to the show.

Echo Park is ghetto. It's really a sketchy place at night. We got there at 10:00 pm. The headliners didn't start till 11:00, so we had plenty of time. Haiku (Myka 9 and Ab Rude) were great. Zion I apparently wasn't as well known here in LA as they are anywhere else, cuz they really didn't get much love from the crowd. I felt bad for them. The plus side was Amp Live and Zumbi brought a guy name Deuce Eclipse with them. He's a Latin guy who raps faster than anyone I've ever heard. I got to talk with Zumbi when it was done. I could tell he was slightly bummed, but I guess this is just part of the job.
Ben dropped me off at about 2:00 am. I started watching Heroes on DVD (cuz it's like Heroin and once I started watching, I couldn't stop). Before I knew it, it was 5:30 am. I hadn't been up that early to surf in a while, so I decided to get in my car and drive down to Huntington. The surf down there was 10 times better than it has been up here all summer. Unfortunately, exhaustion overcame my body after about an hour and a half of surfing. I had to keep slapping myself in the face to stay awake on the drive home. I got there just in time to meet up with my Buddy Matt who came to stay with us for the weekend. We went straight down to the beach to play some volleyball. We played 2 on 2 for about 2 hours and then got lunch at Patricks Roadhouse (named for the Dirty Dancing and Point Break Surfing Patrick Swayzee).
We came back to my place and met up with our other buddy Josh. After briefly reminissing, we cleaned up and got some amazing Thai food in Santa Monica. After that, we hit up a little house party (mind you, I still hadn't slept since Thursday night). When we got home, I hit the luv sac and was out like a light.

The point of this is that eventhough sleep deprivation is a bad thing, at least I made good use of my time. The truth is that you just can't catch up on sleep. It's not possible. Besides, I can sleep when I'm dead!
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