Today marks the passing of Gordon B. Hinckley, beloved prophet and President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. President Hinckley died at age 97. He has spent the last three years of his life as a widower. Without a doubt, he is now over-joyed and relieved to be with the girl of his dreams once again.
For those of us who loved and revered him, we cannot be overly dismayed by his passing. Though his presence will be greatly missed in all gatherings wherein we might expect to be received by a welcome smile followed by a wave of the cane, we wish him not to be trapped back here in this tabernacle of clay. He's left us for a holier sphere. One in which he has begun an eternity with his sweetheart.
He lived such a full life, marked with temple dedications, buildings erected, barriers broken down, hearts opened and lives changed. He was the prophet who when the twin towers fell, when persecutions arose and when evil men sought to threaten our faith and freedom, he like Elijah of old could say with assurance and love "Fear not: for they that be with us are more than they that be with them" (2 Kings 6:16).
For me, he was the prophet as I passed from adolescence to adulthood. He was the prophet when I came to believe that there was more to this church than a massive body of saints. He was the prophet who signed my call to serve a mission in Brazil. He was the prophet I testified for 2 full years to be God's living mouth piece upon the earth. He was a man of great accomplishment, to whom I would listen for guidance and encouragement. He knew so well the issues facing us, not only as a church, but as an entire world. Though a man of great knowledge, he was given power to speak comfort to those whom he never knew personally and to understand issues he may never have suffered from himself. He truly was God's prophet to the world.
I feel it appropriate to quote here and excerpt from his last address to the world as a whole in the October 2007 General Conference. He said:
"May the windows of heaven be opened and blessings showered upon you as the Lord has promised. Never forget that this was His promise and that He has the power and the capacity to see that it is fulfilled. I so pray as I leave my blessing and love with you in the sacred name of our Redeemer, even the Lord Jesus Christ, amen."
Many times it would seem that President Hinckley was bidding us a more permanent farewell. And even though it didn't seem that way in this last address to the world, in retrospect these sweet words are as beautiful of a parting message as anyone could have hoped for.
For further information on the late President Hinckley, please visit http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/
May we all keep the memory of this great servant alive by reading his words, doing the things he asked us to do and becoming all that he asked us to become. Great as he was himslef, he had no personal agenda. He only relayed to us what God wanted us to hear.
For further information on the late President Hinckley, please visit http://newsroom.lds.org/ldsnewsroom/eng/
May we all keep the memory of this great servant alive by reading his words, doing the things he asked us to do and becoming all that he asked us to become. Great as he was himslef, he had no personal agenda. He only relayed to us what God wanted us to hear.
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