I didn't write yesterday because I realized that I would need an emergency root canal today. So.... that's really lame. It totally puts a damper on my day. I wanted to go surfing this morning. I suppose I could have, but I was just really bummed. Maybe this will motivate me to wake up early and either surf before work, or surf after. I'm really bummed because this procedure will take more than one visit. I leave Wednesday night for the Sundance Film Festival. I would really like to have everything done before then. Hopefully I will. I've never been to this dentist before, so I'm not sure what to expect. I'm really lucky to have found a close to home dentist, in my insurance network, open on Saturdays that does root canals. It was a crazy rush last night to find him.
As far as the typical events of yesterday went, it was a long boring Friday at work. I was glad when it was over. I was sad when I realized I wouldn't be going out because there was a gaping whole in my back left molar. I'm hoping that I will feel well enough to go out tonight.

I watched the Laker game last night. I love the Lakers. I love it when they win. Last night we beat the Milwaukee Bucks. Historically, they've caused us some grief. Interestingly enough, the last time they won a championship, Kareem Abdul Jabaar was sinking un-defendable left handed hook shots for them. Despite the historical performance between these two teams and Kobe Bryant's viral upper respiratory infection, the Lakers came away with a very decisive win. It was a good game. The guys are really picking up some momentum right now, which they will need to get them through the latter half of this months schedule. I'm excited to watch the team stand up to some of the best in the Western Conference, and see how we measure up.
So, this entry was boring and probably not worth reading. I'll put something a bit more exciting in later tonight. At least I can post a cool design. PEACE
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